Yesterday I wore this skirt I made, which I consider quite bold. I was definitely the brightest dressed person at work
On the way home we stopped at Pet Club to pick up some kitty food and it was here where I was asked the question. The young clerk who asked it followed up her question by saying that she too sewed and when she saw my skirt she admired the fun print and thought that she would like to make a skirt in that fabric. She wondered if I’d sewn it and then decided to just ask me. Indeed, the benefit of sewing is being able to turn fun fabric into exactly what you want.
Just prior to stopping by the Pet Club, we’d gone to REI, where my husband was hoping to buy a rain jacket for our upcoming trip and I was hoping to find a simple elastic-waist skirt. Why on earth would I buy skirt that is so easy to sew? Time. We’re leaving on the trip soon and I have 43502 things to do yet. Sewing a skirt just didn’t seem prudent with so much to do. But I’d had this skirt in mind for a while and now I really wanted it for the trip. None of the skirts I already had would do and although I knew I probably wouldn’t find what I wanted in the store, I thought since we were going there anyway I’d just act like a non-sewer and maybe buy what’s available. But there was nothing at REI. Well, there were a few skirts for sale that weren’t way above my knees and meant for toned, athletic legs, but I just couldn’t bring myself to spend the money on something so simple. Plus the choice of style and fabric would be compromised in order to buy a skirt at the last minute. I considered going to a few more stores but it was late and I hate shopping and I couldn't get the skirt out of my head, so I asked my husband to drop me at the Hancocks while he picked up a guide book at the bookstore. Believe it or not I did not have a pattern in my stash for the skirt I wanted. They were all either too short by more than 6 inches, too flat across the hips, intended for woven fabric, or had waistbands and zippers. There might be something in my vast library of Burda magazines but I did not want to take the time to trace the pattern. I also didn’t want to take the time to draw up a simple pattern or alter an existing one. So I bought a new pattern and in a few short hours (interrupted by doing a few loads of laundry) I had my skirt. It’s a bright and sunny print and exactly what I wanted for this trip. This is definitely a new record for me to buy a pattern and immediately go home and cut it out. Pictures will have to wait. I have 43501 things to do before we leave.