Monday, May 09, 2005

I was going to...

I was going to post a picture of the Burda twist top I finished but I can't get to the dress form to take a picture because the room is so crowded with all the yarn I pulled out of storage in my zeal to use my new swift.

I was going to post a picture of my progress on a sweater I started to knit but I realized about 8 rows into it that my gauge was quite different than the swatch I knitted. Much too different. I guess in my attempt to get even stitches on the sweater I was knitting tighter than I did on the swatch. So I need to reswatch and figure out what I can make with this orange cotton/acrylic Di.Vé Cotton Club yarn.

I can post a picture of my first Japanese craft book purchase. Spurred on by the surge in Japanese craft books posted on some crafty blogger sites lately, I thought I'd jump on the bandwagon. They just looked so cute! I didn't realize there was a Kinokuniya bookstore (and Mitsuwa grocery) practically in my backyard. Almost makes me want to learn Japanese.

Palm Sized Stuffies Posted by Hello

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